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Au pair in America
Leo Liana
I'm an au pair in America Colorado who loves to travel and be free.
Welcome to my world!
Alright, , maybe this looks a little strange with the pickle in the middle, but actually it was pretty good. I mean Panera will never be...
Botanic Garden, Denver
Okay, I am in love with the botanic garden! It was just beautiful! All these plants and flowers, like a little fairytale... I will...
Weekend trip Colorado Springs
This weekend I was in Colorado Springs with my hostfamily. We were leaving on Friday and stayed in a hotel until Sunday morning. On...
Today I took the train to Golden to go hiking with some other au pairs. The view was stunning! We could see the skyline of Denver....
Okay, normally I do not really think that a salad could satisfy me! But Mad Greens is a whole new level! All the ingredients are freshly...
My breakfast tasted like a piece of heaven! With only three ingredients! 1 Banana 1 cup of outs 1 cup soy milk (with vanille flavor) Just...
Wild fox
Just starting to fall in love with some flanells again. It's still hot outside, so I decided to just put my new flanell on top of my...
The Lumineers
My host mom is so sweet, she took me to a concert of the Lumineers. Even though my host child wanted to go home earlier, because she was...
Hippie on tour
Today I felt like I should totally bring these pants from my mom back to life, because I personally think there just awesome! Also this...
Dog park, Cherry Creek
If there is one thing I completely adore in this area, then it is the dog park in Cherry Creek. The nature is stunning and the dogs are...
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